Here is another live nativity scene in New Jersey.
- As of December 1, 2022, these are the details that have been released about this live nativity scene.
Christmas Living Nativity Scene in Marlboro
From the moment you arrive, expect a warm and friendly welcome from the greeters, while safely remaining inside your vehicle. Listen to the many beautiful caroling voices and be prepared to be stopped by Roman soldiers!
Your journey will then begin through one of the oldest stories ever told. You’ll slowly drive through embellished scenes showcasing the events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ.
You’ll be surrounded by energized live actors dressed in period costumes, and the cutest live animals, including alpacas and zebus, and so much more! As your journey nears the end, a glistening cross will remind you of God’s deep love for you. After, the prayer team awaits all those that wish prayer.
When is the living nativity?
December 4, 2022 @ 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
When is the raindate?
The rain dates for this event are December 10 and 11, 2022.
Does this event repeat?
This event will be held on December 3 and 4, 2022.
Is the event indoors or outdoors?
OutdoorLiving Nativity Activities
- Live nativity
- Live animals
- Caroling
Is registration required?
NoAdmission fees for the Living Nativity Scene
This living nativity scene is being organized by
Please contact them with any questions regarding this event. Jersey Family Fun is not directly involved with this event.
Where is this living nativity?
This event is happening at
To learn more about this event visit the website below
Holiday & Christmas Things to Do in New Jersey with Kids
Updating for 2023.