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NJ State Parks and Forests Travel Journal for Families

I love our New Jersey State Parks & Forests, they are truly a treasure our state has to offer. For $10 or less you can visit with your family to hike, bike, swim, learn and explore. After all of my visits I only really have one complaint about them.

There’s no New Jersey State Parks merchandise.

There are no special patches to collect. There’s no passport book to mark off where you’ve been. There’s no New Jersey State Parks and Forests travel journal. There’s no New Jersey State Park souvenirs other than ones you create yourself. Isn’t that crazy?

Some of my best family memories are from New Jersey State Parks. Other than trail maps, the best way my kids have to remember those experiences is through my photos. I have been determined to change that!

Last summer I set a goal to get to every New Jersey State Park before my first born leaves for college in a few years. But without a passport or travel journal there was no good way to document our visits. Instead, I have been just marking up my New Jersey State Park brochure with notes after we visit each one and of course blogging about them here.

In the back of my mind I was envisioning what a travel journal or passport book for our NJ State Parks would look like. I sketched notes on my notepad and in the notes app of my phone.

When the state-at-home order started I got to work on Jersey Family Fun’s first book, a New Jersey Kids Activity Book. Check it out here. Going through that process only made me more determined to create a travel journal for New Jersey State Parks.

Those weeks of staying at home continued. Finally, one weekend I said, “Enough is enough!” New Jersey State Parks were open! I took to the computer and went from notes in a notebook to a New Jersey State Parks and Forests travel journal.

I’ve learned from our first experience of developing a New Jersey Kids Activity Book. The New Jersey State Parks and Forests travel journal is ready. It’s the first of its kind. You can buy it NOW! You can buy it as an e-book to print at home. You can order a printed spiral-bound copy and we’ll ship it to your home. You can order it on AMAZON as a paperback book.

However you choose to purchase our book, please know that I am so incredibly thankful for your support of Jersey Family Fun (started in 2010) and your decision to support us even more by buying our New Jersey Kids Activity Books and travel journals.

With much appreciation,


New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families

Here’s a look at the cover of our New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families.

New Jersey State Parks and Forests travel journal book cover

What’s inside the Jersey Family Fun New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families?

New Jersey State Parks and Forests, a travel journal for families, is the latest Jersey Family Fun publication to help families have fun across New Jersey.

In this 96 page New Jersey travel journal, two pages are dedicated to each of NJ’s state parks and forests, to help your child or tween document their experiences and visits. The questions are just enough to keep your child from being overwhelmed or feel like you are making them do ‘work’. Yet, the pages will help them look back on those visits with a smile. No more forgetting all the places they have been.

Consider this a passport to New Jersey State Parks and Forests with room to capture favorite memories with text and pictures.

New Jersey State Parks & Forests, Travel Journal for Families sample page

Ready to buy your copy?

There are three ways you can get your own copy of our New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families. You can buy it as an ebook that you print at home, you can order a printed copy that will be spiral-bound and mailed to your home from us, or you can order a paperback version through Amazon.

  • Books are $9.99 for an ebook, that you can print at home.
  • Paperbook books are $19.99 through Amazon. Shipping charges vary.
  • Printed spiral bound books are $24.99 with a $5 charge for shipping per book.

To order an ebook.

By ordering an ebook, you’ll have the convenience of having a link available to you allowing you to download the book. You can then print the book at home. Use the Buy Now button below to order the ebook version on Etsy.

Order a paperback copy through Amazon

Our New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families is available as a paperback book through Amazon for $19.99. You can order it with this affiliate link. (We earn a commission and royalty for each book sold with this Amazon link.)

Order a printed spiral bound copy of the book

Our New Jersey State Parks and Forests, Travel Journal for Families is a big book! The printed copy includes about 96 pages allowing kids and tweens to document their experiences at each of NJ State Parks and Forests with 2 pages. To make it easier to use we are making a (plastic) spiral-bound copy available. As you travel around New Jersey, your kids can easily flip to the page they need. Get a spiral-bound copy for an introductory price of $24.99.

Thank you again for your support. We’d love to know what you think of the book in the comments below.

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