Here are more fun activities in Deptford, New Jersey.
- As of July 30, 2024, these are the details that have been released about this event.
Back to School Book Drive Bonanza
Join in spreading the joy of reading with this Back-to-School Book Drive, supporting the incredible organization, BookSmiles!
BookSmiles is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting literacy and a love for reading by providing books to underserved communities. They believe that every child deserves to have their own books at home and access to a wide variety of reading materials. By supporting educators and families, BookSmiles aims to nurture the next generation of readers and lifelong learners.
When is this event?
August 8 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
When is the raindate?
No rain date information has been provided.
Does this event repeat?
This event does not repeat.
Is the event indoors or outdoors?
IndoorIs registration required?
NoBack to School Book Drive Bonzanza Information
- Donate new or gently used children’s and/or adult books at the Ticket Booth in Center Court and receive 1 ticket per book donation, granting you access to a variety of carnival-like activities.
- Rather make a monetary donation to Booksmiles? $10 Donation = 5 tickets; $20 Donation = 12 tickets. Donations can be made at the Ticket Booth through Venmo.
- Face Painting: (1 ticket per child)
- Balloon Sculpting: (1 ticket per child)
- Back-to-School Art Station: (1 ticket per child)
- Refreshment & Prize Wheel Station: (1 ticket per child)
- Meet and Greet Station: (2 tickets per family)
What is the admission price?
This event is being organized and hosted by
Please contact them with any questions regarding this event. Jersey Family Fun is not directly involved with this event.
Where is this event happening?
This event is happening at