Here are more fun activities in Riverdale, New Jersey.
- As of September 21, 2023, these are the details that have been released about this event. Weather Update from their Facebook page, “After watching the weather forecast and crossing our fingers over the last few days, we have unfortunately made the decision to CANCEL all events for Riverdale Day, Saturday, September 23rd. The fireworks have been rescheduled for Friday, September 29th at 9:00pm at Independence Park following the Riverdale PBA Movie Night to be held from 7:30pm-9:00pm.“
Riverdale Day Concert and Fireworks
Come for a free concert and fireworks to celebrate Riverdale Day 2023!
When is this event?
September 23, 2023 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
When is the raindate?
No rain date information has been provided.
Does this event repeat?
This event does not repeat.
Is the event indoors or outdoors?
OutdoorIs registration required?
NoCommunity Day Activities
- Live music
- Food vendors
- Fireworks
Entertainment Schedule
- 6:30pm – “The Best of the Eagles”
- Approximately 8:45pm – Fireworks
What is the admission price?
This event is being organized and hosted by
Please contact them with any questions regarding this event. Jersey Family Fun is not directly involved with this event.
Where is this event happening?
This event is happening at