Here are more fun activities in Barnegat, New Jersey.
- As of June 27, 2024, these are the details that have been released about this event.
Tour of the Grounds at Cedar Bridge
Step back in time and walk the Cedar Bridge grounds with parks staff. Each stop along the way feature different historical or environmental topics. Tours will begin and end at the Cedar Bridge Tavern. Walking shoes required!
When is this event?
August 17 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
When is the raindate?
No rain date information has been provided.
Does this event repeat?
This event is held monthly on Saturdays. Please see schedule for exact dates.
Is the event indoors or outdoors?
OutdoorIs registration required?
NoWhat is the admission price?
This event is being organized and hosted by
Please contact them with any questions regarding this event. Jersey Family Fun is not directly involved with this event.
Where is this event is happening?
This event is happening at
To learn more about this event visit the website below
- see page 6