Here is another live nativity scene in New Jersey.
- As of December 15, 2022, these are the details that have been released about this live nativity scene.
Christmas Living Nativity Scene in Brooklawn
The mobile nativity will be driving around Brooklawn to share the reason for the season starting on the East side of town. There will be music, the manger scene, and a special treat delivered by the shepherds!
Then, Sunday Dec. 18 from 6:00-8:00pm on the front lawn of the church will be our Living Nativity scene. Live animals, music, scripture reading, and all the main characters portrayed. There will also be refreshments inside the church. Please come!
When is the living nativity?
December 18, 2022 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
When is the raindate?
No rain date information has been provided.
Does this event repeat?
This event will be held on December 17 and 18, 2022.
Is the event indoors or outdoors?
OutdoorLiving Nativity Activities
- Traveling nativity
- Live animals
- Music
- Scripture reading
- Refreshments
Is registration required?
NoAdmission fees for the Living Nativity Scene
This living nativity scene is being organized by
Please contact them with any questions regarding this event. Jersey Family Fun is not directly involved with this event.
Where is this living nativity?
This event is happening at
To learn more about this event visit the website below
Holiday & Christmas Things to Do in New Jersey with Kids
Updating for 2023.